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Central Government Health Scheme

What is the Central Government Health Scheme All About?

What is a Health Scheme?

A health scheme is a policy which is also a promise to the ones who are in need of treatment of health.  This system is known to be a system which is actually cashless in form. But, these costs are borne by the government as a reward for the services that the employee has served to the government. These schemes are very essential these days as because the number of diseases is increasing in the society. People are often becoming ill and hence these are the way outs to save lives

Central Government Health Scheme:

The Central Government Health Scheme was known to have started in 1954, which was actually started by the Indian Ministry of Health and Welfare.


The Central Government Health Scheme is known for offering health services and helps through Homeopathic and Allopathic treatment systems as well as through the Indian and traditional Indian forms of medicine such as Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, and Siddha. The dispensary is known to be the backbone of the scheme. This scheme provides expert advice and the guidance of the specialists and medical offers. Central Government Health Scheme provides specialists consultation facilities at polyclinic, hospital, and dispensaries as well.


Central Government Health Scheme has been offering and providing comprehensive health facilities and healthcare technologies for the Central Government Employees and also to the Pensioners. And, to their dependents which has been residing in the Central Government Health System covering cities. This scheme of the central government was initially started in the year 1954 at the city of New Delhi.


The health schemes of the Central Government is now available in the cities like Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Allahabad, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Delhi, Chennai, Dehradun, Hyderabad, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kolkata, Jaipur, Jabalpur, Lucknow, Meerut, Nagpur, Mumbai, Patna, Pune, Ranchi, Trivandrum, Jammu, Shillong.

The Central Government Health Schemes in India has been serving the needy ones for a long time. The person who had to take help and the families too are satisfied with the services they have been rendering throughout these years of need.

The main components are:

  1. The dispensary services are known to be domiciliary care.
  2. C.H and F.W services
  3. Hospitalization
  4. Specialists advise and consultation facilities both at the polyclinic and dispensary.
  5. Health Education to beneficiaries
  6. Organisation for the storage, purchase, distribution, and supply of the medicines an all the other requirements.
  7. They also have the options of ECG, X-ray and Laboratory Examinations.

The Central Government Health Schemes have been saving many lives when they were needed to be saved. Many families have been trusting this schemes and system of treatment since ages. The technologies they are providing are authentic and they are constantly undergoing the process of improvement in order to serve their employees and pensioners way better. The experts and advisors which are hired for these services hold degrees from the renowned universities and they are experienced enough to treat the patients with full knowledge and skill.

Highlights of the Scheme:

The special scheme released afterward. The scheme was released by the name of the Migrant Insurance Scheme, in Kerala.  This scheme was for the provision for the migrant’s workers, working in Kerala. This insurance plan was beneficial. The schemes were believed to have released to keep track of the number of total employees who are migrant and are working within the state of Kerala.

This plan is for the targeted group of workers and employees those would age between 18-60 years.

All these schemes are introduced for the migrants who are new to a city and can need medical help. These are also for the medical emergencies.

Benefits of the insurance plan for the migrant laborers:

This is the plan under which the Central Government Health Scheme services keep a record of the number of employees that have migrated to a particular state. The government registers all the migrant workers and employees for the planned insurance services. The government provides insurance cards to the employees and laborers. The government provides a lot of benefits regarding the health services. The advantage of the proper registration can be more than or up to 25 lakhs of migrant employees or workers in the registered database. This planned insurance system can provide protection to and over 2.5 millions of workers and employees in Kerala.

Initially, the proper registration of the migrants, laborers, and employees was not done in a proper manner. Therefore, this scheme has got some objectives of its own. The major objective which is considered is that the laborers the migrants and the employees have to be registered under this scheme, with a proper registration programme in the state. Here, the main objective is also to include all the workers and laborers in the actual scheme.


This scheme helps the government to find perfect details about the migrant or the employee.  By maintaining a proper number of employees under the scheme through registration, health benefits and services are being distributed to all such employees. Medical services are also extended during the emergency periods especially if someone under the scheme is new in any state or city.

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